
University Baptist Church is able to minister via the gracious stewardship of its membership. In addition to offerings received during services on Sundays, we now can accept donations electronically.

  • Give Online
    Donate now with a credit card or direct bank transfer via secure online processing. You may also create a recurring donation through the page.

  • iOS App logo
    Download the Abundant app to your smartphone or tablet. The Abundant app allows you to securely donate to University Baptist Church via multiple payment options and gives you the ability to select a designation fund for your gift. You can also store your payment information for future donations and view previous giving history.

  • Text
    Text UNIVERSITYBC to 73256. You will receive a web link. Open the link and select University Baptist Church.

  • Post Office Box
    University Baptist Church
    P.O. Box 22678
    Huntsville, Alabama, 35814

    Please use this address. If you have direct pay set up through your financial institutions, you will need to update the address to the post office box for security purposes.